If I Knew You

Artists:Carina Torres
Released Date:01/28/2021

Carina Torres grew up between Brazil and Barcelona and is currently based in London, where she plans to make her mark.

The new independent artist has just started releasing her uniquely delicate music in 2021, with her debut single “If I Knew You” in January.

After her Musical Theatre training, she quickly realized that her passion lies in songwriting, performing, and creating a connection with her listeners. Carina has a wonderful lineup of new music on the way for the rest of the year.

Her beautifully heartbreaking single “The Way We Exist” is planned for April 2021, and a more groovy R&B sound on her new single “Nowhere”, which comes out on June 9th.

Team and Credits

EPK: https://carinapst.wixsite.com/website